DYE VL Photofacial in Phoenix, AZ
What Is DYE VL?
DYE VL is photo rejuvenation that uses Advanced Fluorescent Technology (AFT), an advanced form of intense pulsed light technology. This technology produces a narrow band of light energy that targets vascular and superficial pigmented lesions. Photofacial treatments improve the appearance of mild skin conditions, including uneven complexions, age spots, sun spots, Rosacea, and superficial broken capillaries.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does DYE VL cost?
Complexion issues are unique to the individual, which means your cost for a photofacial will depend on your skin condition. During your consultation in Phoenix, AZ, we can estimate your treatment cost and discuss how many sessions are needed to help you reach your goals. Please ask us about any monthly specials, which we offer from time to time. We also have a variety of convenient payment solutions.
How quick are the results from DYE VL?
Visible improvements can usually be noticed after each treatment with Harmony XL Pro technology, but the best results are usually seen about one month after your last treatment. It’s normal for your skin to respond differently to every session.
What are the possible side effects of DYE VL?
Most patients notice mild, temporary side effects, like redness, swelling, crusting, blisters, or bruising. However, these effects should fade in a few days. The treated areas will be extra sensitive to the sun, and excessive sun exposure can affect the results of the procedure. To ensure proper healing, if sun exposure is necessary, we recommend using sun protection over the treated area or keeping it covered.
Do I need to prep for DYE VL?
In preparation for photofacial therapy, our patients are typically asked to skip sun exposure and self-tanners for at least two weeks before the treatment. You may be asked to stop using certain medications a few days prior to your appointment, and we may recommend that you avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and blood thinners one week before your procedure to help prevent developing bruises. A specific preparation plan for your procedure will be discussed during your consultation.
Why should I get multiple DYE VL sessions?
A full series of photo-rejuvenation treatments are recommended to provide gradual, natural-looking improvements to your complexion. Each session helps to reduce surface irregularities and spots. The number of sessions required will be determined by the condition of your skin and your aesthetic goals.